坐标轴的旋转:rotation of axes
坐标轴的平移:translation of axes
坐标态松弛:coordinate wise relaxation
坐标平面:coordinate plane
坐标面:coordinate plane,coordinate surface
坐标邻域:coordinate neighborhood
坐标法:coordinates method
坐标的变换公式:transformation formulas of the coordinates
坐标的变换:transformation of coordinates
坐标超平面:coordinate hyperplane
作用力线:line of action
佐东大元原理:zorn maximum principle
左最小公倍数:least common left multiple
左周期群:left periodic group
左直积:left direct product
左正则元素:left regular element
左正则性:left regularity
左正则表示:left regular representation
左正合性:left exactness
左正合函子:left exact functor
左整环:left order
左张量乘积:left tensor product
左因子:Left factor
左遗传环:left hereditary rings
左一一的函子:left faithful functor
左幺元:left identity element
左旋曲线:left handed curve
左相伴元素:left associated element
左线性拓扑:left linear topology
左下狄尼导数:left hand lower dini derivative
左卫星函子:left satellite
左微分:left differential
左完备化:left completion
左拓扑:left topology
左同伦逆元:left homotopy inverse
左算子:left operator
左剩余:left remainder
左射影空间:left projective space
左上狄尼导数:left hand upper dini derivative
左商域:left quotient field
左商环:left quotient ring
左平均:left mean
左平衡函子:left balanced functor
左陪集:left coset
左诺特半群:left noetherian semigroup
左逆阵:left inverse matrix
左逆算子:left inverse operator
坐标轴的旋转:rotation of axes
坐标轴的平移:translation of axes
坐标态松弛:coordinate wise relaxation
坐标平面:coordinate plane
坐标面:coordinate plane,coordinate surface
坐标邻域:coordinate neighborhood
坐标法:coordinates method
坐标的变换公式:transformation formulas of the coordinates
坐标的变换:transformation of coordinates
坐标超平面:coordinate hyperplane
作用力线:line of action
佐东大元原理:zorn maximum principle
左最小公倍数:least common left multiple
左周期群:left periodic group
左直积:left direct product
左正则元素:left regular element
左正则性:left regularity
左正则表示:left regular representation
左正合性:left exactness
左正合函子:left exact functor
左整环:left order
左张量乘积:left tensor product
左因子:Left factor
左遗传环:left hereditary rings
左一一的函子:left faithful functor
左幺元:left identity element
左旋曲线:left handed curve
左相伴元素:left associated element
左线性拓扑:left linear topology
左下狄尼导数:left hand lower dini derivative
左卫星函子:left satellite
左微分:left differential
左完备化:left completion
左拓扑:left topology
左同伦逆元:left homotopy inverse
左算子:left operator
左剩余:left remainder
左射影空间:left projective space
左上狄尼导数:left hand upper dini derivative
左商域:left quotient field
左商环:left quotient ring
左平均:left mean
左平衡函子:left balanced functor
左陪集:left coset
左诺特半群:left noetherian semigroup
左逆阵:left inverse matrix
左逆算子:left inverse operator