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二次调和同态:quadratic harmonic morphisms
厄尔尼诺强度:strength of El Nino
二硫键重排剂:oxide-shuffling reagent
厄尔尼诺模型:El Nino model
二维波动方程:2-D wave equation
二重循环矩阵:level-2 cyclic matrix
鄂尔多斯北缘:north margin of Ordos
二十四点游戏:24 points game
二阶优化条件:second-order optimal condition
二维观测系统:two-dimensional observational system
二阶因子分析:second-order confirmatory factor analysis
额济纳旗绿洲:Ejina oasis
二进制展开式:binary digital expansion of an integer
二维下料模型:the two-dimensional cutting stock model
二值响应模型:Binary Response Model
二阶线性方程:linear equations of second order
二维带状天线:two dimension strip shape antenna
二层规划理论:two-hierarchical programming theory
鄂东南湘东北:Southeast of Hubei and Northeast of Hunan
二部图的判定:T heory of Bipartite Graph
二阶渐近性质:Second order asymptotics
二次运移效率:secondary migration efficiency
二元经济转换:Dual Economy's Transformation
二次二阶矩法:second-order second-moment method
二齿新蚤种团:bidentatiformis group
恩斯特·卡普:Ernst Kapp
二层动态规划:two-level dynamic progrmming
二阶对称规划:Second-order symmetric programs
二阶F-凸性:Second-order F-convexity
厄特沃什效应:Etvs effect
二元函数极限:the limit of duality function
二阶三点边值:second order three-point boundary value problems
二级微扰公式:the second order perturbation formula
恶臭假单孢菌:Pseudomonas putida
俄歇峰形分析:Auger lineshape analysis
二叠系山西组:Permian Shanxi formation
厄尔米特矩阵:Hermitian matrix
二级统计体系:the two-level statistical system
鄂尔多斯周缘:periphery of Ordos Basin
二次李超代数:Quadratic Lie superalgebra
二叠系火山岩:Permian volcanic rock
二次降价销售:reduced-price selling
厄米特多项式:Hermite polynomials
二级结构参数:secondary structural parameter
二次函数逼近:Quadratic function
二要素表征法:Two-Parameter Description Method
额外推力模型:extra-push model
鄂西黄陵背斜:Huangling anticline western Hubei province
二次型的矩阵:Matrix of a quadratic form
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273 2742752762772782792808: