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二人合作博弈:2-person cooperative games
二元岩浆混合:mixing of two-end magmas
二元响应模型:Binary response models
鄂尔多斯块体:Erdos Block
二分网格加密:bisection mesh refinement
二维流体力学:two-dimensional fluid dynamics
二个矩阵的积:Product of two matrices
二次曲线常数:conic constant
二次可微函数:twice differentiable functions
二维关系表格:2D relational table
二维盐丘模型:2-D salt model
二次数值值域:quadratic numerical range
二维地震资料:2D Seismic Data
额温测量系统:forehead temperature measurement system
二级弹性模量:Second-order elastic constants
峨眉火成岩省:Emei igneous province
二重热变质岩:two-fold contact metamorphic rock
二元环形孔径:binary annular aperture
二元线性算子:bivariate linear operators
俄文扩展字符:Russia symbols
厄尔密特矩阵:Hermitian matrix
二维互作用势:2D-interaction potential
二云母花岗岩:two-mica granite
二维结构网格:two dimensional structured grids
二次移动平均:Double moving average
二级剖分技术:two-level partition technique
二阶拉曼散射:second-order Raman scattering
俄歇峰形修正:Auger lineshape correction
二元响应数据:binary response data
二维电子系统:2D electron system
厄尔尼诺现象:El Nino
二维流动方程:two dimensonal flow equation
二维杨顾算法:two-dimensional Yang-Go algorithm
二次信息应用:second application of information
二元信号系统:two-component system
二维二元研究:research of twodimension and duality
二维尺度函数:two dimensional scaling function
二芳基草酸酯:diaryl oxalate
鄂尔多斯工区:Erdos Work Areas
二次布尔函数:quadratic Boolean function
二重对称变换:double-symmetry transformation
二次引力理论:quadratic gravitational theory
二粒子一般态:two-particle state of general formation
额尔古纳地块:Ergun block
二次供水污染:secondary pollution in water supply
二级近似公式:the second order perturbation
二元液态金属:Binary liquid metals
二阶欧拉方程:Euler equation of order 2
厄尔尼诺预测:El Nino event prediction
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274 2752762772782792808: