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二元误判概率:pairwise error probability
二维线性补偿:two dimensional nonlinear compensation
二维交替投影:2-D AP algorithm
二分散列查找:binary hash lookup
二氧化钛胶体:colloidal TiO 2
二氧化硅胶体:colloidal SiO 2
二维实时感测:real time sensing and measurement of two dimensions
二分输出排队:Bifurcated output queuing
二次布局问题:Quadratic assignment problem
二分加速算法:bisection acceleration algorithm
二次分“档”:twice grading
二次选择策略:Second-selection technology
二维字典签名:planar dictionary signature
二倍频探针光:2ω probe laser
二维遗传算法:2-D genetic algorithms
二元统计编码:image processing
二次相对效益:binary relative effectiveness
二分查找隔离:Dichotomizing search
二元变异算子:binary mutation
二元光栅照明:Binary grating illumination
二次配料工艺:twice burden technology
二阶并联电路:second order parallel connection circuit
二进制冗余数:binary redundant number
二维层状结构:A two-dimensional layered structure
二次曲面线圈:quadric surface coil
二级物流系统:two stage logistics system
二元连续函数:bivariate continuous function
二级结构含量:percentage of secondary structure
二十碳五稀酸:Eiscosapentaenoic acid(EPA)
二元结构河岸:admixture riverbank
二次可逆系统:quadratic reversible systems
二合一连接器:2in1 connector
二次曲线柱面:conic-cylindrical reflector
二叉链表结构:binary link list structure
二轴应力状态:biaxial stress
二阶椭圆问题:second-order elliptic problem
二维物理小波:the 2-D physical wavelet
二元属性文法:Chinese binary grammar
二维几何参量:2D geometrical parameter
二相分散系统:two phases scatter system
二元二次方程:binary quadratic equations
二次剩余序列:quadratic residue sequence
二向不等围压:two-dimensional unequal pressure
二重立方插值:Two-fold cubic interpolates
二氯磷酰胆碱:phosphorylcholine dichloride
二次切上导数:second-order epiderivatives
二维联合分布:bivariate distribution
二元复变函数:double complex variables function
二氧化硅玻璃:silica glasses
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270 2712722732742752762772782792808: