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二维伊辛模型:two-dimensional Ising model
二次分配问题:Quadratic Assignment Problem
二维导频辅助:Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol Assisted
二进小波分解:dyadic wavelet decomposition
二氧化钛电极:titanium oxide
二指平动手爪:two-finger translation gripper
二级灰度特征:second order gray characteristic
二行程汽油机:two stroke cycle petrol engine
二元有向向量:bivariate directed vector
额定输出容量:rated output capacity
二进脚本文件:binary script file
二维主元分析:Two-dimensional Principal Component Analysis(2DPCA)
二阶非平稳性:Second order nonstationarity
二维综合孔径:2-dimensional synthetic aperture
二值形状信息:binary shape information
二层拓扑结构:two-layer topology
二级摆型吊车:double-pendulum-type crane
二次相位因子:Secondary phase factor
二维泊松方程:2D poisson problem
二级消能方案:combined dissipater with flipbucket and stilling basin
二值图像标记:binary image labeling
二元蚁群算法:binary ant colony algorithm
恶意行为判别:Malicious behavior judgment
二元树复小波:dual-tree complex wavelet
二次指数平滑:double exponential smoothing
二次镇定控制:quadratic stability control
二维数据压缩:2-D compression
二维加速度计:two-axis accelerometer
二维几何构型:D geometric modeling
二叉树的遍历:binary tree traversal
二值图像处理:binary image processing
二维疑问变换:2-dimentional interrogative transformation
二进制树搜索:Binary tree search
二次误差度量:quadric error metrics
额外覆盖范围:extra coverage
二阶玻恩近似:differential cross section
额定工作电流:rated working current
二维混合变换:2D hybrid transform
二重扰动机制:Double disturbance mechanism
二次蚁群算法:Doubly applied ACO algorithm
二元组合文法:Binary Combinatorial Grammar(BCG)
二次曲面光顺:quadric smooth
二氧化硅填料:silica filler
二维方位估计:bearing estimation
二维几何特征:2D geometric features
恶意代码分析:malware analysis
二维散射特征:two-dimensional scattering features
页码:97261262263 2642652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792808: