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二级保护动物:2nd Class Protection Animal
二羟基胆甾酸:dihydroxyl bile acid
二阶弹性效应:second order elasticity problem
二元样条空间:Bivariate spline space
额外磁道接缝:extra track gap
二次谐波反馈:Reactive circuit of twice harmonic
二级囿变函数:bounded variation function of order 2
二值图象代数:Binary image algebra
二阶关联函数:second-order correlation function
二级种培养基:second-generation culture medivm
二氧化碳电极:carbondioxide electrodes
二阶几何连续:GC ̄2
二台活动断裂:Southern segment of the Ertai active fault
二代混精鲮鱼:Mixed sperm inseminated mud carp of the second successive generation
二维摆动磁场:Two-dimensional undulator
二次型哈密顿:quadratic Hamiltonian
二阶正常色散:normal second-order dispersion
二阶几何效应:second-order geometric effect
二重弱R积分:double Riemann integral in weak sense
二维凝聚体系:Two-dimensional condensed phase
鄂尔多斯草地:Ordos grassland
二维行程编码:2D run-length coding
二阶样条插值:two order spline interpolation
二重互质分解:doubly coprlme factorization
二维硬盘系统:Two dimensional hard disk system
二维离散卷积:2D discrete convolution
二步马氏决策:two-stage Markovian decision
二线数值模式:2-D numerical model
二维模型正演:2-D Forward Modeling
二值代数系统:binary algebraic system
二元二次样条:bivariate quadratic splines
二维波动问题:two-dimensional wave problem
俄国形式主义:Russian Formalism
儿童广告策略:tactics of children's advertisement
儿童医院感染:Pediatric nosocomial infection
二元户籍结构:dual household registration structure
二元接续关系:bi neighborship
二元语义规则:bi gram semantic rules
二元词性规则:bi gram part of speech rules
二甲苯萃取物:dimethyl-benzene soluble matter
俄罗斯风景画:Russian landscape painting
二阶微分矩阵:Second differential matrix
二阶相干特性:the second-order coherence properti
儿童钢琴教育:the piano education of children
二元训练理论:the dualistic training theory
儿童发展理论:a child's development theory
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279 2808: