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奥肯定律:Okun's law
安全导则:Safety guide
凹凸纹理:bump mapping
碍航原因:factors of obstacles to navigation
安全输配:safe distribution of water
按需喷射:drop on demand
安装使用:construction and utilization
安全煤量:safety coal quantity
安全振速:Safety vibration velocity
岸坡稳定:stability of bank slope
氨水碱化:liquid ammonia alkalinization
安装不当:Rig up error
凹米罗沟:Aomiluo gully
安定载荷:shakedown load
安全计费:security counting
碍航成因:cause to navigation-obstruction
奥托循环:otto cycle
按需通风:Demand ventilation
阿尔山市:Aershan City
暗敷管道:concealed pipe
暗室建设:anechoic chamber design
安全盒子:Safety Box
安居乐业:to live and work in peace and contentment
阿仑方差:Allan variance
岸边吸附:shoreline attachment
案例应用:example study
安装敷设:mounting and installation
氨水鼓泡:Ammonia bubble absorption
安全余量:safety margins
安全隔离:safety isolation
案例查询:Case inquire
安全泄压:safe deflated pressure
安全传输:security transmission
岸边填土:fill beside bank
安装定位:installation and positioning
阿莫多瓦:Al Moredowa
岸电电源:shore power source
安全决定:safety decision-making
安溪茶叶:tea in Anxi County
按实结算:according to calculating in fact
按需调度:scheduling on demand
安装裂缝:fixing crack
安装调用:installed and invoking
页码:9781828384858687888990 9192939495969798991008: