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凹凸贴图:bump map
安全锁死:dead lock for safety
鞍形屋盖:saddle roof
安全防线:defence plan
安静结构:Quiet structure
暗河处理:treatment of underground river
案例表示:case representation
安装模板:mounting shuttering
按口值班:duty on port
安全触点:Security contact
岸舰导弹:shore-to-ship missile
安装详图:detail drawing of installation
安装构形:assembled geometry
安全审查:Safety examination
安全照明:safety lighting
岸船通信:shore-ship communication
安全费用:security pricing
安全利率:security interest
岸脚淘刷:bank base eroding
暗期间断:dark breaking
安装仿真:installing simulation
安装隐患:hidden fault in installation
安身工程:Building-House Project
鞍点定理:saddle point theorem
按需供暖:Press to need to be provided for warm
安全平台:security platform
暗挖隧道:mined tunnel
安全令牌:security token
岸坡演变:foreslope evolution
凹陷现象:dimple phenomena
安全假人:industrial design
安全算法:safety algorithm
安全多播:secure multicast
安徽月山:Yueshan district of Anhui Prorince
安徽经济:Anhui economy
安防遥控:protection alert and remote controlling
安全特性:safety character
安全播出:safe broadcasting
安神益智:tranquilize the mind and promote the intelligence
安装焊接:erecting and welding
安全代理:security agent
安装类别:mounting classes
凹坑信息:pit information
安装尺寸:assembly siz es
澳门文化:Macao culture
页码:978182838485868788 89909192939495969798991008: