暗鳍兔头:Lagocephalus gloveri
安徽农业:Agriculture of Anhui
阿克陶县:Akto county
氨基酸铜:cupric complexes of glycine
安徽霍邱:Huoqiu city of Anhui Province
氨化麦秸:Ammoniated wheat straw
阿帕斯竹:Gigantochloa apus
按钮功能:Button Function
安宫颗粒:AnGong granule preparation
暗纹东方:Takifugu obscurus
矮化苹果:Dwarf apple
安麦1号:Anmai 1
安置措施:measures on resettlement
澳洲指橘:Microcitrus Papuana
矮苞脚菇:Volvariella pusilla
氨化稻秸:Urea treated rice straw
桉树林分:eucalyptus stand
矮秆特性:Dwarf inheritance
安徽六安:Lu an
凹目白鲑:Coregonus autumnalis
氨气挥发:volatilization of ammonia
矮秆性状:dwarf character
矮源利用:utilization of dwarf germplasm
桉属植物:Eucalyptus plant
安玉系列:Anyu series
矮杆种质:short resources
螯合态铁:chelated ferrous iron
埃及经验:Egyptian experience
氨氮含量:NH 3 N content
岸线资源:water-front resources
爱知香A:Aizhixiang A
安哥拉兔:Angora rabbit
安吉小鲵:Hynobius amjiensis
阿虫螨丁:Abamectin petroleum oil
安全饲料:safe feed
案例表述:case statement
安全度夏:safety in summer
矮小蛋鸡:small egg laying hen
矮化盆栽:dwarfed potted plant
安农水蜜:Annong honey
安塞试区:Ansai experimental area
埃尔尼诺:El Nino
安全越夏:over summering
阿坝花椒:Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim
暗管工程:desalinization standard
铵的固定:fixation of ammonium
安徽农业:Agriculture of Anhui
阿克陶县:Akto county
氨基酸铜:cupric complexes of glycine
安徽霍邱:Huoqiu city of Anhui Province
氨化麦秸:Ammoniated wheat straw
阿帕斯竹:Gigantochloa apus
按钮功能:Button Function
安宫颗粒:AnGong granule preparation
暗纹东方:Takifugu obscurus
矮化苹果:Dwarf apple
安麦1号:Anmai 1
安置措施:measures on resettlement
澳洲指橘:Microcitrus Papuana
矮苞脚菇:Volvariella pusilla
氨化稻秸:Urea treated rice straw
桉树林分:eucalyptus stand
矮秆特性:Dwarf inheritance
安徽六安:Lu an
凹目白鲑:Coregonus autumnalis
氨气挥发:volatilization of ammonia
矮秆性状:dwarf character
矮源利用:utilization of dwarf germplasm
桉属植物:Eucalyptus plant
安玉系列:Anyu series
矮杆种质:short resources
螯合态铁:chelated ferrous iron
埃及经验:Egyptian experience
氨氮含量:NH 3 N content
岸线资源:water-front resources
爱知香A:Aizhixiang A
安哥拉兔:Angora rabbit
安吉小鲵:Hynobius amjiensis
阿虫螨丁:Abamectin petroleum oil
安全饲料:safe feed
案例表述:case statement
安全度夏:safety in summer
矮小蛋鸡:small egg laying hen
矮化盆栽:dwarfed potted plant
安农水蜜:Annong honey
安塞试区:Ansai experimental area
埃尔尼诺:El Nino
安全越夏:over summering
阿坝花椒:Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim
暗管工程:desalinization standard
铵的固定:fixation of ammonium