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安全用氮:safety use of nitrogen
凹多面体:concaved polyhedron
安全软件:safety software
安全基金:safety funds
安全宣传:safe drumbeating
安全隧道:security tunnel
凹点定位:concave spot localization
暗梁楼盖:concealed-beam floor
安装构件:elements for installation
暗挖车站:mined Metro station
奥运公园:Olympic park
奥运建设:Olympic construct
奥运经济:Olympic Economy
奥运建筑:Olympic architecture
奥运布景:Olympic setting
岸滩地形:topographic condition of the beach
安全路由:secure routing
安全靠泊:safe mooring
案例检索:case retrieval
岸桥分配:quay-crane allocation
爱河流域:Aihe basin
安置模式:resettlement mode
铵型混床:ammonium type mixed bed
安全挣值:safety earned value
安全漏洞:security vulnerabilities
阿布森法:abson method
安全水深:safety depth of water-cushion
岸基系统:shore system
案例挖掘:case mining
凹形地貌:concave landforms
按摩器具:massage appliance
按热收费:heat metering and charging
安全逃生:safe evacuation
阿哇地区:Awa area
安装标高:installed height mark
安康电网:Ankang power network
安装监理:installation supervision
安装体系:installation system
安装线形:installation linearis
安规认证:Safety Approval
暗挖支护:excavation support
凹柱面+:Concave surface+
奥运规划:Olympic planning
奥运城市:Olympic city
安全底线:safe baseline
安全回路:safety loop
铵梯炸药:AN-TNT explosive
癌症止痛:cancer pain release
页码:978182838485 86878889909192939495969798991008: