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按需路由:on-demand routing
安全素质:safety quality
安全服务:security service
凹模形状:female die shape
安全审评:safety assessment
安装索力:cable force of installation
凹陷露天:open pit sag
安置标准:resettlement standard
安全防御:Security defense
凹陷口径:concave diameter
案件事实:case fact
矮化砧木:dwarf rootstock
按钮自锁:self-lock of button
安全净距:safety net distance
阿瓦提县:Awati county
安全态势:security situation
安全拦截:security distillation
安装标准:installation code
安全电价:security pricing
安全开关:safety switch
安全例外:security exception
岸边距离:water depth
奥运物流:olympic logistics
阿伦方差:Allan variance
鞍点逼近:saddlepoint approximation
安装刚度:connection stiffness
凹形块体:concave block
安装规范:installation norm
岸边泵房:pump house a shore
按相闭锁:dependent harmonic blocking technique
安装功率:installation power
按图施工:construction in line with the drawings
安装结构:installation structure
安装运行:installation and operation
安阳市区:Anyang urban area
安全色彩:security color
按件供应:piece-to-piece supply
暗挖区间:mining sectbn
按时计费:counting expense by time
安装余隙:assembling remaining clearance
安全验证:security validation
安全坡角:safrty slope angle
鞍座宽度:the saddle's width
安琪集团:Angel Group
页码:978182838485868788899091 92939495969798991008: