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安全性准则:Safety criteria
鹌鹑蛋白粉:quail egg-white protein powder
安全煤岩柱:safety pillars
安全型梭车:Security shuttle vehicle
安全员制度:safety representative system
暗示催眠术:suggestive hypnotizing
安君宁微丸:Anjunning micropills
安全阀选型:selection of safety valve
安全距离法:generic distances
氨汽提工艺:ammonia stripping process
螯合滴定法:Chelatometric Titration
安全工程学:safety engineering
奥里油电厂:orimulsion-fired power plant
氨基酸扩链:amino acid chain-extend
氨钙催化剂:ammon-calcium catalyst
阿拉伯糖苷:glucosidase arabinofuranoside
螯合预处理:chelating pretreatment
氨氮递增率:ammonia ntration increasing rate
螯合交联剂:Chelating agent
氨基三乙酸:nitriloriacetic acid
氨基甲酸锌:zinc dithiocarbamate
胺解催化剂:ammonolysis catalyst
案例推理法:case based reasoning
安全监控仪:safety monitor
安全新问题:new security problems
安全模式4:security mode 4
暗示与感染:hint and infect
安全API:security API
安全性策略:security strategy
癌性肺纹理:Carcinomatous lung markings
安全泄漏率:security leak rate
凹腔剪切层:cavity shear layer
安全性需求:safety requirement
安全性度量:security measurement
安置点规划:allocation plan
奥运会交通:Olympic transport
奥运中心区:Olympics Central Area
艾滋病疗法:AIDS therapy
按序号通信:communication by index number
艾伦·伍德:Ellen Wood
安全带总成:seat heh
阿克曼原理:Ackerman principle
案例式推理:case-based reasoning
页码:97201202203204205 2062072082092102112122132142152162172182192208: