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阿瑟.威利:Arthur Waley
爱德华一世:Edward I
安理会改革:Reform of United Nations Security Council
奥康姆剃刀:Occam Razor
按订单装配:assemble to order
爱情与生活:affection and living
爱国心教育:patriotism education
安倍新理念:Abe's New Concept
安理会扩大:Security Council
爱德基金会:the Amity Foundation
安徽旅游业:Anhui tourism
爱美的精神:aesthetic ideals
阿克塞现象:Akesai Phenomena
艾滋病危机:HIV/AIDS crisis
爱尔兰问题:Ireland issue
安德罗波夫:An dropov
阿拉善蒙盐:salt producedin Alashan Mongolian Area
爱情和金钱:love and money
案卷排他性:doctrine of rolls
爱的三部曲:trilogy of love
阿拉伯世界:Arab World
阿布达里人:Abudali people
艾滋病蔓延:the spread of AIDS
爱情和婚姻:marriage and love
阿富汗问题:Afghanistan problems
安全与法律:security and laws
安徽花鼓灯:anhui flower-drum lanterns
爱国派文学:patriotic literature
安全的签名:secure signatures
埃及的翻译:translation in Egypt
按模块分流:shunting by module
安置及救济:settle and relieving the refugees
阿凡提笑话:A Fanti jokes
安川寿之辅:Fuku Zawa Yuki
奥运会发展:the development of the Olympic Games
安禄山造反:An Lu-shan rebels
奥尼尔研究:O Neill studies
奥地利历史:Austrian history
奥地利文化:Austrian culture
奥维尔现象:Orwell phenomenon
安徽省妇女:women in Anhui
安乐死立法:legislation of euthanasia
安阳工学院:Anyang Institute of Technology
暗含权利说:Concealed Right Theory
页码:97201202 2032042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192208: