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安全卫生权:rights of safety & health
安全性检算:safe checkup
氨基苯硼酸:phenylboronic acid
氨基化反应:amination reaction
氨基酸前药:Amino acid ester prodrug
艾滋病流行:HIV/AIDS Epidemic
癌症促凝素:Cancer procoagulant
阿地福韦酯:Adefovir dipivoxil
癌性食管瘘:Esophageal fistula
安全膜熔丝:safety film fuse
癌性恶液质:cancer cachexia
癌蛋白18:Oncoprotein 18
安全关注点:safety impact point
阿黑皮素原:Proopiomelancortin (POMC)
阿嵯耶观音:Acuoye Kwan Yin
安全数字卡:secure digital card
桉叶挥发油:Eucalyputs oil
安眠类药物:hypnotic drug
安全确认制:the safety confirm to make
安全可采性:safety workability
氨基物合成:synthesize amides
桉木化机浆:eucalyptus chemimechanical pulp
安全生产作:safety in production
安全关联性:safety relevance
按摩植物油:Carrier oil
氨分解制氢:NH3 decompose to make H2
安全的居住:safe living
阿道夫卢斯:adolf loos
胺类添加剂:amines additives
氨水吸收式:Ammonia-water absorption
锕系变形核:well-deformed actinide nuclei
奥地利标准:Austria standard
爱普列特片:epristeride tablets
艾拉莫德片:iguratimod tablet
氨苯蝶啶片:triamterene tablets
氨茴香合剂:AnHuixian mixture
氨氧化古菌:ammonia-oxidizing archaea
奥林达夏橙:Valencia orange
阿拉尔甘草:Glycyrrhiza alalensis
暗尾东方鲀:Takingfugu obscurus Abe
安全性保障:safety protecting measures
暗呼吸速率:Dark respiratory rate
阿片神经肽:opioid neuropeptide
阿片肽受体:opioid neuropeptide receptor
安尼阶底界:bottom boundary of the Anisian
安徽A集团:A Group of Anhui
页码:97201202203204205206207208209210211212213214 2152162172182192208: