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澳门赛马业:Macau Horse-Racing Industry
爱默生思想:the thought of Emerson
澳门旅行社:Macau Tourist Agency
案外人异议:The stranger dissent
爱情婚姻剧:drama of love-and-marriage
安全适用性:Safety applicability
澳门建筑业:The civil engineering of Macau
爱德华时代:the Edwardian age
按份受托人:shares depository fiduciary
阿根廷危机:Argentina Financial Crisis
奥运会标志:Olympics logo
澳门的法律:Legislations of Macao
安徒生童话:Andersen Fairy Tales
暗管线埋设:hiding pipes and wires
阿拉伯哲学:Arabian philosophy
爱尔兰情结:the complex oflrish
爱德华三世:Edward III
爱尔兰经济:Irish economy
奥林匹亚节:The Greek Olympic Festival
澳门银行业:Macau Banking
案例与分析:Case and Case Study
阿凡提故事:Afanti stories
安哥拉战争:the Angolan War
岸线利用率:Coastline utilization ratio
安德森模型:Andersen Mold
氨磺必利片:Amisulpride Tablet
安全冗余度:Safety Redundancy
安全门系统:Platform bailout door system
氨基酸废液:treatment of amino acid washing wastewater
氨基丙酮酸:aminoacetic acid
安全与部署:security and deployment
鹌鹑球虫病:Quail coccidiosis
安宫宁胶囊:Angongning capsules
氨氮去除氯:removal efficiency of ammonia nitrogen
癌症诊断仪:Cancer Diagnosis Instrument
安装可靠性:Assembly Reliability
氨基糖态氮:Ammonia sugar nitrogen
氨基酸晶体:amino acids
安痔消炎片:An anti-inflammatory tablets hemorrhoid
奥贝氏体钢:austenite steel
氨氮增加率:NH_3-N increasing rate
安氏Ⅲ类错:Angle's Class Ⅲ malocclusion
页码:97201202203204205206207208209210211212213 2142152162172182192208: