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爱国武术家:patriotic Moslem martial arts master
暗隐的读者:" implied reader"
挨批的文学:the criticized literature
案例培训法:case-training method
安全社会学:Safety sociology
阿波罗模式:Apollo mode
阿都拉政府:Abdullah Administration
奥康的威廉:William of Ockham
爱情叙事诗:narrative poems for love
奥尔森模式:Ohlson's model
阿斯本舰队:Aspend fleet
奥斯陆协议:Oslo Agreement
爱情的悲剧:Love's tragedy
安全网设计:the design of the banking safety net
爱情在别处:the love is in the other places
爱情生活病:Morbid affection
爱德华八世:Edward Ⅷ
爱尔兰传统:Irish tradition
阿米巴经营:Ameba Management
阿登纳政府:Adenauer Administration
爱情婚姻观:concept of love and marriage
爱的哲学":philosophy of love"
安乐死概念:the concept of cuthansia
按学分收费:credit-based charging
安康烟草业:Tobacco industry in Ankang
安徽文化史:history of Anhui culture
案件受理费:Collection's Gist
阿倍仲麻吕:Abeno Nakamaro
奥林匹斯教:Olympic Religion
奥运新格言:Olympic Motto
案件与词讼:criminal suit and civil suit
按合成产量:nucleosynthetic yield
奥运会种类:Kinds of Olympic Games
阿美族歌谣:Amei people's ballads
氨基酸替换:amino acid substitution
爱利亚学派:Schools of Elea
哀吊类韵文:lament typa verses
澳英语变体:varieties of Australian English
阿尔泰语系:Altaic Family
安置和遣返:settlement and repatriation
阿Q与祥子:Xiangzi and Ah Q
安全生产法:Production Safety Law
案例导向法:the case-leading method
按自然生活:Live according to Nature
阿贝尔矩阵:Able-type matrix
页码:97201202203 2042052062072082092102112122132142152162172182192208: