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安全工作区:safe operating area
岸边溢洪道:spillway on bank
安全度分析:analysis of structure safety
安装与验收:installation and acceptance
安全联轴器:safety coupling
凹面反射镜:concave mirror
铵松蜡炸药:AN-rosin-wax explosive
安装角误差:error of fixed angles
安全度指标:sofety index
安装偏心量:mounting eccentric magnitude
安全起爆器:safe igniter
暗箱设计法:black box design
安装和测量:Installation and Measurement
阿巴嘎地区:Abarg area
安装与调试:Installation and Adjustment
安全性检验:gallery test
凹二次规划:concave quadratic programming
安全带刚度:curb stiffness
暗绿色硬土:dark-green stiff soil
鞍带石斑鱼:Epinephelus lanceolatus
阿基米德数:Archimedes Number
阿尔山湿地:Aershan wetland
矮杆突变体:dwarf mutant
氨单加氧酶:Ammonia monooxygenase
桉树人工林:Eucalyptus plantation
艾比湖地区:Aibinur Lake region
矮化突变体:Dwarf mutant
奥林报警器:Aolin Alarm
岸边带植被:riparian vegetation
氨羧络合物:aminoxatyl complex
爱益农EC:Aiyinong EC
奥匹神胶囊:Aopishen Capsules
安迪粉针剂:Andi injection
奥灵达夏橙:Olinda valencia orange
安第斯块茎:andean tuber
阿勒泰地区:Aletai region
暗黑赤眼蜂:Trichogramma pintoi
矮生西洋梨:dwarf pear
安全农产品:safe agricultural products
暗纹东方:Takifugu obscurus
暗纹东方鲀:Fugu obscurus
奥尼罗非鱼:Oreochromis niloticus×O.aureus
暗黑鳃金龟:Holotrichia parallcla
阿氏肠杆菌:enterobacter asburiae
页码:97181182183184185186 1871881891901911921931941951961971981992008: