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暗条电流系:Filament current loops
氨基酸卟啉:Amino acid porphyrins
爱滋病病毒:Human immunodeficiency virus
安全库存量:Safe Stock Quantity
阿什喀腊组:Axikara Fm
阿拉善台隆:Alashan patform
阿德雷企鹅:s adélie pengiun
安顺小黑土:Xiaoheitu of Anshun
暗褐毛皮蠹:attagenus brunneus
安徽舟形藻:Navicula anhuiensis
安徽省女山:Nushan of Anhui province
阿贝尔子群:abelian subgroup
癌相关抗原:cancer associted antigen
昂萨格关系:Onsager relation
氨羧螯合剂:aminocarboxylic chelants
阿尔金断层:Altun fault
安徽太平湖:Taiping Lake in Anhui
氨离子注入:N+ ion implantation
氨基酸距离:distances among amino acids
按树林群落:Eucalyptus community
氨基酸分布:amino acids distribution
暗绿拟青霉:Paecilomyces atrovirens
阿拉善黄鼠:Spermophilus dauricus alashanicus
阿尔芬脉动:Alfvenic fluctuations
阿勒泰马鹿:cervus canadensis sibiricus Mesch
爱情悲剧观:tragical attidtude toward love
奥陶系划分:classification of Ordovician Period
安全稳健性:security and soundness
奥运会代表:the representative of Olympic Games
奥硝唑胶囊:Ornidazole Capsule
按订单组装:assemble to order
安置区优选:optimization of the inhabitant resettlement
安全与效率:stabilization and efficiency
阿基米德性:Archimedes character
安西都护府:Anxi Frontier Command
阿拉伯文化:Arab Culture
阿拉伯语法:Arabic Grammar
埃及与西方:Egypt and the West
安全web:security web
安徽省高校:Anhui Universities
安德烈数号:Andre numbers
奥地利学派:Austrian School
阿以旺民居:Ayiwang residence architecture
按资源分配:allocation according to resource
奥运志愿者:Olympic volunteer
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198 1992008: