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安道什猜想:Ends Guess
阿舍利文化:Acheulean culture
安眠药中毒:hypnotic toxicosis
癌前潜伏期:pre cancer
安徽中南部:middle-south of Anhui
安徽凤仙花:I. anhuiensis
阿沙勒金矿:Ashale gold deposit
奥迪括约肌:Oddi's sphincter
阿克玛方法:Akima method
鞍点复转动:saddle point complex rotation
按要素分配:distribution according to factors of production
鞍点近似法:saddlepoint approximation
阿尔金岩群:Altgn Tagh rock group
阿拉善北部:northern Alaxa
艾滋病模型:Antiviral effect
阿贝尔优势:Abelian dominance
阿合奇断层:Aheqi fault
岸滩稳定性:coastal stability
氨基酸丰度:abundance of amino acid
爱迪生效应:Aidison effect
氨基酸取代:amino acid substitutions
艾略特原理:principle of Eliot
阿吾拉勒山:Awulale mountain
安徽风景区:scenic area in Anhui
矮杨梅种群:Myrica nana Cheval population
阿拉斯加型:Alaskan type
暗褐郭公虫:Falsogastrallus sauteri
氨基酸金属:Amino acids metal
阿列夫空间:aleph space
按指数镇定:exponential stabilization
暗纹节菱孢:Arthrinium phaeospermum
阿扎鸟嘌呤:hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase
奥氏粘度计:Ostwald's viscometer
奥运会奖牌:medal of Olympic Games
阿拉善块体:Alxa block
氨基酸受体:Amino acid receptor
奥陶系中统:middle Ordovician
安子岭杂岩:Anziling complex
阿留申群岛:Aleutian Islands
阿拉善滨藜:A. alaschanica Y. Z. Zhao
艾丁湖煤矿:Aiding Lake Coal Mine
阿克曼函数:Ackermann's function
安徽短缝藻:Eunotia anhuiensis
氨基酸年龄:amino acid
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197 1981992008: