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奥运体育馆:Olympic Gymnasium
安全全球化:safety globalization
凹间链状岛:inter-sag chain-like island
阿达滩盆地:Adatan basin
安口小流域:Ankou Small Watershed
阿萨姆地区:Assam region
奥地利理论:Austrian theories
氨/硝酸锂:Ammonia-lithium nitrate
阿留申岛弧:Aleutian arc
哀牢山北段:the northern part of the Ailao Mountains
阿尔泰地区:Altai area
凹极小问题:concave minimization problem
阿克塔什组:Aketashi formation
爱氏筛选法:the Eratosthenes's screen
昂尼斯气体:Onnes gas
阿尔金斜坡:Altun slope
阿拉善断块:the Alxa Fault (Block)
安全性令牌:Security Token
安阳及邻区:Anyang and its adjacent regions
埃默里冰架:Amery Ice Shelf
凹背包问题:concave knapsack problem
艾肯达坂组:Aikendaban Formation
奥凯达图形:al-qaeda graph
阿荣旗地区:Arun Qi area
鞍结点分支:saddle-node bifurcation
阿奇克谷地:Aqik Valley
氨基酸生产:amino acids production
阿特伍德机:Atwood machine
阿尔泰林蛙:Rana altaica
凹透镜焦距:focal length of concave lens
阿卡孜岩体:Akazi pluton
阿牙克岩体:Ayak pluton
安徽省北部:North Anhui
阿索小洋盆:Asog small oceanic basin
阿莱依盆地:Alay Basin
安全边际率:safety marginal production rate
奥斯特卫星:Oersted Satellite
暗点型油藏:dim spot reservoir
暗尖胸青蜂:Cleptes semiauratus
阿特武德机:Atwood machine
铵梯油炸药:ammonium nitrate TNT oil explosive
奥陶纪石林:Ordovician stone pinnacles
埃尔米特簇:Hermitian variety
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195 1961971981992008: