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埃姆舍公园:IBA Emscherpark
奥运双中心:Olympic bi-centers
安全监测网:safety monitoring network
埃特金算法:Atiken algorithm
奥氏方程组:Ostrogradskii equation
安置性移民:setting migration relocation
艾伦·黑格:Alan J.Heeger
氨双级制冷:two-stage refrigeration system
凹凸形尖端:concave convex stylus
安全阀替换:Replacement of safety valve
鞍结点分叉:saddle node bifurcation
按质分摊法:quality based method of apportionment
鞍性周期解:the saddle periodic orbit
澳洲卷帘门:Australian rolling door
安全保护网:safety protective net
安-秒特性:ampere-second characteristic
癌细胞识别:cancer cell recognition
碍航淤积量:sediment accumulation of obstruction navigation
阿米西棱镜:dispersion prism
安康水电站:Ankang Hydropower Station
按比例结转:carry forward with the corresponding rate
安全状态机:security state machine
安康水电厂:Ankang Hydropower Pla
按费用设计:Design For Cost(DFC)
鞍节点分岔:saddle-node bifurcation
安集海构造:Anjihai structure
安全性衡准:safety criterion
凹槽梁试样:notched beam specimen
昂尼斯方程:Onnes equation
阿克玛算法:Akima arithmetic
埃尔米矩阵:Hermitian matrix
安居水电站:Anju Hydroelectric Plant
凹形正圆锥:hollow regular cone
胺类固化剂:Amine curing agent
安全性监控:Safety monitoring
埃米特矩阵:Hermitian matrix
阿德莱德港:Port Adelaide
氨丙基硅胶:somatic embryo
鞍型分叉点:saddle-node bifurcation
阿贝尔定理:Able's theorem
阿珠水电站:Azhu Hydropower Station
安装接线图:equipping circuit configuration
安全点策略:hedging point policy
矮嵩草草甸:Kobresia humilis meadow
阿斯旺大坝:The Aswan High Dam
奥氏粘滞计:ostward-type viscometer
阿贝折射率:Abbe refractometer
凹凸型变径:diameter change of concave &. convex shape
爱尔兰分布:Erlangian distribution
页码:97181182183184185 1861871881891901911921931941951961971981992008: