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凹口滤波器:notch filter
凹板分离物:separated things of concave
艾利微幅波:Airy wave
氨基酸组分:amino acid composition
爱国者系统:Patriot system
安装和拆除:installation and removal
案例化教学:Teaching with cases
安妥因常数:Antoine constants
安全与环境:safety and environment
鞍结分岔点:saddle-node bifurcation point
安全链吊座:hanging seat for safety chain
按车型收费:toll by vehicle type
安全度评价:safety evaluation
矮塔斜拉桥:extradosed cable-stayed bridge
奥氏体球铁:austenitic nodular castiron
阿尔福德力:Alford force
凹陷露天坑:Open pit
安徽房地产:Anhui real estate
按位移解法:method to solve as displacement
矮断面箱梁:short sectional pier
安全饮用水:safe drinking water
奥运摔跤馆:Olympic wrestling arena
暗挖法施工:shallow mining method
安装座壳体:shell of mouting seat
安全块价值:Safety block reactivity worth
暗适应功能:dark adaptation function
埃姆斯住宅:the Eames House
按钮式开关:button switch
安宁河大桥:An Nin river big bridge
安装与卸架:installation and unloading
阿克曼转角:Ackermann angle
安全新技术:New safety technology
凹腔结构+:Cavity geometry+
安装倾斜角:fixing tilt angle
阿尔海默病:Alzheimer disease
安全监视器:safety monitor
暗天空资源:the dark sky resource
岸船一体化:ship-shore cooperation
奥本海姆法:oppenheim method
敖古拉地区:Aogula area
安全度评估:safety evaluation
安全知识库:security repository
安龙铺隧道:Anlongpu Tunnel
安全工作法:safety work method
阿尔法图表:Alpha graph
安全性定价:security pricing
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