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爱情女性:females in pursuit of love
安民富民:enriching and stabilizing the people
案前调查:enquire before the case
澳洲大蠊:Periplaneta Australasiae Fab
爱情纠葛:love imbroglio
安邦治国:manage state affairs
安徽产业:industry of Anhui
爱的歌吟:eulogy of love
阿伊努族:Ainu nationality
爱智梦想:dream of loving wisdom
爱心社区:community of love
艾勒悖论:Allais Paradox
安定团结:dissimilated labor
爱国思潮:patriotic trend of thoughts
澳门武术:Macao Wushu
爱的缺失:loss of love
安置途径:the a pproaches of resettlement
阿萨鸠里:Roberto Assagioli
爱国歌词:song of love of the country
澳门大学:Macao University
暗室欺心:Against one's conscience to plot against
阿罗模型:Arrow Model
暗示技能:hint dropping skill
爱子之道:the way of loving children
暗示心理:suggestive mentality
澳门问题:the Macao issue
澳门历史:Macao's history
按粮推亩:calculating Mu following land tax
安全义务:duty of safety
爱情羁愁:depressed poem in love
澳门回归:Macao's handover
澳门社会:Macao society
埃文基语:Ewenqi language
爱情主线:threads of love
哀而不怒:grieve but not fume
安国保民:keep the country at peace and protect the people
按知分配:distribution according to knowledge
爱的主题:love motif
爱的雨露:dew of love
哀情小说:mournful novels
澳门散文:prose in Macao
安全优先:safety first
爱情外延:extension of "love"
澳门报刊:Macao press
爱国忧民:patriotic and worried about people
爱国忧时:love the country and worry about the age
页码:97121122123124125126127128129 1301311321331341351361371381391408: