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按需装配:load dynamically
按需预报:On-demand Forecast
案例营销:case marketing
氨化过程:ammoniating progress
案例获取:case retrieve
安全实现:security implement
案例处理:Case handling
奥运信息:Information for Olympic Games
安全载荷:Encapsulation Security Payload
安全目录:Secure Catalog
奥运语境:Olympic context
安全联控:safety supervision
安全会话:secure session
安全仿真:Safety Simulation
凹凸影射:bump mapping
安全链路:Secure link
安全考试:examination security
凹版彩印:Intaglio printing
安全授权:Security Authorization
安全电话:Secure Telephone
安全专网:private security net
安全电邮:Security Email
安全假设:security assumptions
安静频率:unoccupied frequency
安全子网:secure subnet
案件报道:cases reportage
安全引擎:security engine
安全保健:Security Health Care
岸线回波:Coastline Echo
安全构架:security frame
案例演示:example demonstration
奥运广告:Olympics advertisements
爱情歌曲:love songs
安乐情怀:homey and peripatetic theme
澳英词汇:Australian English vocabulary
澳洲文化:Australian culture
案卷移送:Conveyance of dossier
安全偏好:safety preference
案例成效:case a result
暗示授权:Ambiguous authorization
阿勒坦汗:A le Tanzania perspiration
鞍马壁画:murals painted horse
爱的归宿:destination of lov
安阳地区:Anyang Region
安徽方志:Anhui Local Records
页码:97121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138 1391408: