安老养老:the care of the aged
爱与死亡:love and death
爱心基金:beneficent funds
爱情现象:love phenomenon
爱老思想:moral of respecting the old people
哀而不恨:lament but not regret
爱情困境:love dilemma
爱情喜剧:love comedies
案件审理:case trial
暗喻理论:metaphorical theory
爱国守法:love the country and obey the law
爱情禅语:love hints
阿坝师专:ABa Teacher College.junior college phycical education
爱情挽歌:love elegy
爱国之情:Patriotic Feeling
凹凸形态:rough pattern
安排技巧:skill of arrangement
奥运策略:policies of Olympic Movement
安全获利:safe profit making
澳中建交:establishment of foreign relations between Australia and China
澳亚关系:Sino Australian relations
埃利亚派:Elean school
艾青诗歌:Ai Qing's poems
安徽省委:CCP Committee of Anhui
爱国反帝:Anti-imperialism and patriotism
爱情生活:love experience
爱的体验:experience of love
安西都护:the Anxi Protector-general
奥运理想:Olympic ideal
案例要求:case criterion
暗含否定:implied negation
安保条约:US Japan Security Treaty
安全利用:safe utilization
哀思文学:literature of sad memories
按资分配:distribution according to capital
安稳平凡:ordinary and secure
安溪文化:Anxi Culture
阿甘哲学:forrest Gump's philosophy
案卷质量:files quality
阿Q个案:the archetypal individual case
按揭成数:the discount of hire purchase
爱的起点:starting point of love
爱的终点:ending point of love
爱与死亡:love and death
爱心基金:beneficent funds
爱情现象:love phenomenon
爱老思想:moral of respecting the old people
哀而不恨:lament but not regret
爱情困境:love dilemma
爱情喜剧:love comedies
案件审理:case trial
暗喻理论:metaphorical theory
爱国守法:love the country and obey the law
爱情禅语:love hints
阿坝师专:ABa Teacher College.junior college phycical education
爱情挽歌:love elegy
爱国之情:Patriotic Feeling
凹凸形态:rough pattern
安排技巧:skill of arrangement
奥运策略:policies of Olympic Movement
安全获利:safe profit making
澳中建交:establishment of foreign relations between Australia and China
澳亚关系:Sino Australian relations
埃利亚派:Elean school
艾青诗歌:Ai Qing's poems
安徽省委:CCP Committee of Anhui
爱国反帝:Anti-imperialism and patriotism
爱情生活:love experience
爱的体验:experience of love
安西都护:the Anxi Protector-general
奥运理想:Olympic ideal
案例要求:case criterion
暗含否定:implied negation
安保条约:US Japan Security Treaty
安全利用:safe utilization
哀思文学:literature of sad memories
按资分配:distribution according to capital
安稳平凡:ordinary and secure
安溪文化:Anxi Culture
阿甘哲学:forrest Gump's philosophy
案卷质量:files quality
阿Q个案:the archetypal individual case
按揭成数:the discount of hire purchase
爱的起点:starting point of love
爱的终点:ending point of love