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模糊算法:Fuzzy Arithmetic
木薯淀粉:cassava starch
脉冲电流:pulse current
棉纺印染:cotton spinning fiber printing-dyeing
酶抑制剂:enzyme inhibitor
酶学特性:enzyme properties
密着性能:adherence strength
密封原理:seal principle
镁合金液:magnesium alloy melt
密集烤房:Bulk curing barn
目标函数:objective function
煤壁片帮:coal wall spalling
免疫毒性:immune toxicity
煤矿机电:coal mine electromechanical
煤矿开采:coal mining
毛型化纤:wool type chemical fiber
密度函数:density function
模型实验:model experiment
脉冲激光:pulse laser
模型试验:model test
磨损特性:wear characteristics
脉冲中子:pulse neutron
芒硝分布:the distribution of Glauber salt
盲数理论:blind number theory
酶促填料:enzymatic medium
锰氧化物:manganese oxide
模拟断面:simulative section
钼钨分离:Mo/W separation
贸易增长:trade growth
面板数据:panel data
模拟体液:simulated body fluid
膜下腐蚀:underfilm corrosion
煤柱顶板:coal pile plate
煤帮控制:coal capital control
煤系地层:coal stratum
模具强化:die and mould strengthening
模具开发:die development
摩擦衬垫:Friction liner
煤矿井下:coal mine underground
模糊规则:fuzzy rules
煤岩变形:coal and rock deformation
模型拟合:model fitting
模拟海水:simulated seawater
煤气成分:coal gas components
酶法合成:enzymatic synthesis
页码:97241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258 2592608: