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抗挤套管:anti-squeeze casing
可拓评价:extensional evaluation
矿山灭火:mine extinguishing
矿山电缆:mine cable
矿层变化:change of ore bed
矿物微粉:mineral powder
空分带水:water in air separation plant
空穴分岔:cavitated bifurcation
空塔气速:gas speed of empty tower
可逆冷轧:reversible cold rolling mill
快速还原:quick reduction
控制温度:control temperature
空间模型:spatial model
开发历史:Development history
孔树模型:pore tree model
扩频通信:spread spectrum communications
空气油雾:air-oil-mixture medium
库区管理:coil yard management
糠酮环氧:furfuralketone epoxy
控制掺杂:doped under control
可靠爆轰:Complete detonation
孔径大小:pore size
控制目标:control objective
烤烟香气:tobacco aroma
颗粒运移:particle migration
空心锻件:hollowed forging
控速环节:rate-determining step
颗粒食品:grain food
矿井运输:mine transport
矿井冲压:rock burst
矿山关闭:mine closure
孔隙塌缩:close of holes
控电氯化:chloridizing with controlled voltage
刻度文件:calibration file
空心球阀:Hollow Ball Valve
抗烧模性:resistant burn mold
客土覆盖:covering with new soil
开发条件:development condition
苦梅果汁:plum fruit juice
口腔膜剂:Oral membrane
抗病毒药:antiviral agent
科学背景:scientific background
块体合金:bulk alloy
开放系统:open system
矿床仿真:mineral deposit simulation system
卡宾反应:carbene reaction
页码:97221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237 2382392408: