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空隙率波:void fraction wave
抗震计算:Aseismic calculation
抗裂判据:cracking resistance index
抗浸透湿:immersion resistance and moisture permeability
抗冲蚀性:washout resistance
矿石管理:Ore control
矿床模式:mineral deposit model
客船公司:Passenger steamer company
矿山环保:mine environment protection
空间状态:space state
矿物组分:mineral composition
矿物填料:mineral filler
控制溢流:controlling water kick
控温厚度:holding gauge
控制熔化:controlled melting
快绳拉力:pulling of fast line
控制意义:control significance
开发水平:development level
框架矿柱:framework support
勘查模型:exploration model
勘查技术:exploration techniques
课程意识:curriculum consciousness
扩散偶法:diffusion couple technique
矿产开发:mineral resources exploitation
空间载荷:spatial loading
苦瓜原汁:bitter gourd juice
扩散焊机:diffusion welding equipment
矿山勘探:mine prospecting
空区处理:disposing gob
矿业复垦:mine land reclamation
空间问题:space problem
控制经验:control experience
苦黄胶囊:Kuhuang capsule
抗菌羊毛:antibacterial wool
空区冒落:Caving in mined area
课外学习:extracurricular learning
矿用截齿:bits used for the mine
矿石品级:ore grade
矿井粉尘:mine dusts
矿石采购:iron ore purchasing
开链结构:structure of open chain form
抗菌效率:antisepticise efficiency
昆明滇池:Dianchi lake of Kunming
苦味成分:bitter components
开发区块:development block
页码:97221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236 2372382392408: