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苦楝树皮:Melia azedarach L.bark
颗粒物区:granular zone
快速模具:rapid mould
开孔泡沫:Open Cell Foam
恐怖袭击:terrorism attack
空腔装药:cavity charging
开路浮选:open circuit flows
矿压规律:strata behavior regularity
颗粒堆积:particle packing
控油作用:oil-control effect
客观评定:objective evaluation
抗张性能:Tensile Property
宽带通讯:broadband telecommunication
空/煤比:air-coal ratio
空间统计:spatial statistics
扩散规律:diffusion rule
抗紫外性:ultraviolet resistant
考核机制:examination mechanism
开采方式:production method
凯膜过滤:HVMTM filtration
宽度函数:width function
科技产业:sci-tech industry
开发方法:development method
矿房尺寸:stope size
抗弯能力:bending resistance
咳嗽频率:cough frequency
矿难治理:mine disaster governance
快速解决:quick solution
矿井水文:mine hydrology
颗粒肥料:granulated fertilizer
矿化富集:mineralization & enrichment
科技成果:scientific and technological achievements
矿农关系:between mine and agriculture
抗战时期:anti-Japanese war
开裂倾向:cracking tendency
颗粒偏聚:particle segregation
空间滤波:spatial filtering
抗磨效果:anti-wear effects
矿物相变:mineral phase transformation
空载试验:no-load test
空间频率:spatial frequency
空气设备:air equipment
空间辐射:space radiation
孔筋尺寸:size of struts
可逆交联:reversible crosslink
页码:97221222223224225226227228229230 2312322332342352362372382392408: