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快速分支:speediness embranchment
勘查对策:resource prospecting
考培分离:separation of test from training
矿震能量:Energy of mining tremor
控制仿真:control simulation
抗干扰剂:restraining disturbance reagent
抗张模量:tensile modulus
可采资源:mining resources
抗水解性:resistance to hydrolysis
孔隙半径:pore radius
空心曲轴:hollow crankshaft
控制区划:control divisions
快速诊断:rapid diagnosis
快速识别:fast identification
康西公路:Kangxi Highway
可冻结水:freezable water
苦瓜啤酒:bitter gourd beer
开花馒头:blooming steamed bun
苦豆子胶:sophora alopecuroides gum
开发后期:development later stage
空间圆弧:space circular arc orbit
开采境界:mining boundary
孔径调整:aperture adjustment
苛性条件:severe conditions
开环成环:ring opening and closing
扩散脱氧:diffused disoxidating
抗辐射剂:anti-radiation finishing agent
开采条件:mining condition
快速接头:Quick coupling
控制补偿:control and compensation
空冷淬火:Air-cooling quenching
科学素质:scientific quality
开发监测:development monitoring
颗粒燃料:pellet fuel
抗震设防:Seismic design
颗粒包覆:particle coating
勘察设计:survey and design
快速判断:fast judgement
矿山恢复:mine restoration
扩散渗析:diffusion dialysis
控制软件:control software
库仑台阶:Coulomb staircase
抗铅污染:Resistibility to Pb contamination
狂捕滥捞:abuse of fishery
矿石品位:Ore grade
控制体积:control volume
抗菌沸石:antibacterial zeolite
可采煤量:mineable coal quantity
页码:97221222223224225226227228229230231232 2332342352362372382392408: