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控制要点:control points
抗性植物:resistant plants
可换压头:changeable die
卡车司机:truck driver
空间优化:spatial optimization
跨界污染:transboundary pollution
库仑摩擦:Coulomb friction
矿用电源:mineral power supply
开发前期:during production prophase
矿料磨损:grinding material abrasion
空间预测:Spatial prediction
抗粉化性:anti-pulverization ability
糠醛生产:furfural production
可控粒径:Size Design
开环硝化:ring-open nitration
抗电蚀性:electrical erosion resistance
烤漆处理:paint baking
矿难原因:reasons of coal mine accidents
空气气化:air gasification
可转滑块:rotating sliding block
矿化阶段:mineralization stage
矿井构造:mine structure
快淬工艺:rapid quenching technique
空间规划:spatial planning
控制缝高:Fracture height containment
空气分压:air pressure
空气摇床:air table
开工过程:start-up process
空间位置:space position
科技体系:science and technology
刻蚀机理:etching mechanism
壳体铸造:casting of shell
矿工素质:the Quality of Miners
空间关系:spatial relationship
苦卤利用:brine utilization
矿石组成:gold ore composition
抗冻性能:Frost resistance
矿山增储:increasing resource reserves in mines
孔深测量:The depth measuring of the bore
矿山迹地:Abandoned mineral site
快速脱硫:accelerated desulphurization
糠醛加氢:Furfural hydrogenation
矿井通信:coal mine communication
矿山机械:mine machinery
空气系数:air coefficient
跨巷回采:over roadway extraction
开采计划:mining plan
开腔测量:open-path measurement
克隆选择:clone selection
页码:97221222223224225226227 2282292302312322332342352362372382392408: