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颗粒强度:particle strength
可逆乳液:reversible emulsion
苦荞麦壳:Tartary buckwheat shell
矿床类型:deposit type
矿样分解:ore sample decomposition
勘探目标:exploration target
客运专线:passenger dedicated line
控制冒顶:roof caving control
空动时间:idle motion time
课堂讨论:class discussion
可溶性铁:water-soluble ionic iron
控制分析:Control analysis
扩散温度:diffusion temperature
矿山设计:mine design
开发战略:developing strategy
抗拉载荷:Tensile load
筐篮部分:basket part
控释肥料:controlled release fertilizer
开窗技术:Windowing technique
开裂规律:cracking pattern
开发经验:development experience
孔型参数:pass parameters
考评机制:evaluation mechanism
扩散火焰:diffusion flame
可燃液体:flammable liquid
框体形式:frame form
勘探思路:exploration idea
块状油藏:massive reservoir
控砂特征:character of sand control
抗剪切性:shearing resistance
块段模型:Block model
客户管理:Customer management
抗温性能:long effect
快速调平:fast leveling
空间方程:space equation
开关支架:switch frame
矿尘浓度:mine dust concentration
跨国开发:transnational exploitation
颗粒轮廓:grain contour
糠酸甲酯:methyl furoate
矿化保存:uranium ore conservation
可燃垃圾:flammable refuse
快速降解:rapid degradation
扩大内需:expansion of domestic demand
开车密档:start thick bar
扩散模拟:dispersion simulation
页码:97201202203204205206207208209210211212213 2142152162172182192208: