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开铁口机:tapping machine
扩散参数:diffusion parameter
抗真菌药:antifungal agent
扩散钎焊:diffusion brazing
矿渣水泥:slag cement
控制水阀:water control valve
开采水平:mining level
库木凸起:Kumu swell
块裂顶煤:block-fractured top-coal
扩链反应:chain extension
抗菌作用:antibacterial activity
口腔修复:dental prosthesis
控矿层位:ore-controlling strata
抗性机理:resistant mechanism
空气样品:air sample
矿石贫化:ore depletion
抗螨织物:anti-mite fabric
控制部位:controlling position
控温纤维:temperature regulating fiber
空化降解:cavitation technology
空间平均:spatial average
可调带隙:tunable band-gap
空气电极:air electrode
科技信息:scientific and technological information
开发技术:Development technology
扩散时间:diffusion time
空间效应:steric effect
抗电强度:Dielectric strength
抗菌表面:antibacterial surface
空气分离:air separation
矿相结构:mineralogical structure
颗粒强化:particulate reinforcement
扩散复合:diffusion bonding
矿床模型:Deposit model
扩胀变形:press expansion
抗拉性能:tensile performance
苦荞饮料:tartary buckwheat
矿岩结构:Structure of mine rock
客观要求:objective requirement
抗流失性:Leaching resistance
扩能技改:capacity enlargement and technology improvement
控制方案:control scheme
空气交换:air exchange
口模形状:feeding head shape of die
矿井测量:pit measure
页码:97201202203204205206207208 2092102112122132142152162172182192208: