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控制底鼓:floor lift control
矿山铁路:mineral mountain railroad
可调活板:moving board
快速萃取:rapid extraction
宽度拉窄:width narrowing
科学素养:scientific literacy
控制工程:control engineering
孔型系统:pass sequence
科技需求:technological need
扩散焊接:diffusion bonding
抗挤强度:collapsing strength
苦荞黄酒:tartary buckwheat wine
空间尺度:Spatial scale
口溶片盒:chutty boxes
控藏要素:pool-controlling factors
控藏模式:pool-controlling models
开发动态:development performance
控制效应:Control effect
矿物载体:mineral substrate
矿物形成:mineral formation
开发方案:development scheme
抗癌药物:antitumor drug
扩张模量:Dilational modulus
苦荞麦茶:tartary-backwheat tea
科技创新:science and technology innovation
开关电源:switching power supply
壳型铸造:shell mould casting
快速算法:Fast algorithm
科学研究:scientific research
卡尔多炉:Kaldo furnace
科技发展:scientific and technological development
孔隙尺寸:pore size
孔喉尺度:pore scale
矿体形状:shape of ore body
开孔明胶:open pore gelatin matrix
空气比率:air ratio
控制轧制:Control Rolling
控制热源:control of heat source
颗粒形貌:particle morphology
矿产贸易:mineral trade
矿物化学:mineral chemistry
矿床特征:deposit characteristics
块状矿石:massive ore
扩散接合:diffusion bonding
开链冠醚:open chain crown ether
矿山地质:mining geology
快速膨胀:rapid expansion
页码:97201202203204205206207208209 2102112122132142152162172182192208: