单胞算子:unicellular operator
单阿贝耳簇:simple abelian variety
单阿贝尔簇:simple Abelian variety
单[字长]精度:single precision
单[纯]集:simple set
丹齐格-沃尔夫法:Dantzig-Wolfe method
丹金图形:dynkin diagram
戴环空间:ringed space
戴德金整环:Dedekind domain
戴德金η函数:Dedekind η-function
戴德金ζ函数:Dedekind ζ-function
殆周期运动:almost periodic motion
殆周期性:almost periodicity
殆周期解:almost periodic solution
殆周期函数:almost-periodic functions
殆有界函数:almost bounded function
殆显著的:almost significant
殆收敛序列:almost convergent sequence
殆平坦流形:almost flat manifold
殆复廖:almost complex manifold
殆复结构:almost complex structures
殆分裂序列:almost splitting sequence
殆分裂扩张:almost splitting extension
殆等价:almost equivalent
殆单代数群:almost simple algebraic group
殆不可能事件:almost impossible event
殆不变集:almost invariant set
待定型;不定型:indeterminate form
带状图:strip map
带余除法:division algorithm
带形区域:strip domain
带算子群:group with operators
带删除译码:erasure decoding
带基点的空间:pointed space
带积合成范畴:category with product and composition
带积范畴:category with product
带恒等式的谓词演算:predicate calculus with identity
带号测度正变差:positive variation of signed measure
带号测度相互能量[积分]:mutual energy of signed measure
带号测度若尔当分解:Jordan decomposition of signed measure
带号测度全变差:complete variation of signed measure
带号测度能量[积分]:energy of signed integral
带号测度密度:density of signed measure
带号测度负变差:negative variation of signed measure
带号测度范数:norm of signed measure
带号测度:signed measure
带函数:zonal harmonics
带符号数:signed numbers