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安全经济运行:safe and economic operation
氨基环氧涂料:amino epoxy coating
氨基酸类配体:amino acid ligand
安全系数校核:safety factor proof
安全生产监督:safe production supervision
阿尔伯达盆地:Albert basin
氨合成塔内件:inner of synthesized ammonia tower
安全关断系统:shutdown system
安全管理效果:safety management effect
安全联锁措施:safety-interlock measure
奥斯麦特技术:Ausmelt technology
氨基苯磺酸黄:Metarule acid yellow
螯合形成树脂:chelate forming resin
安全土地填埋:safe landfill
哀牢山成矿带:Ailaoshan gold minerogenetic belts
安全综合评价:safety comprehensive evaluation
氨配合氧化法:ammonia complicating and oxidizing method
氨基化丙烯酸:acrylic acid
吖啶类衍生物:Acridine derivatives
安全激励机制:safety incentive mechanism
阿克苏河流域:Aksu river basin
氨基硅油改性:amino-modified silicone
奥氏体钢炉管:Austenite steel furnace pipe
阿基米德滚刀:Archimedes' hobbing cutter
阿苯达唑亚砜:albendazole sulfoxide
奥斯陆蒸发器:Oslo evaporator
氨纶弹性纤维:polyurethane elastic fibre
氨基酸水解液:hydeolytic agent of the amino acid
氨基质量分数:free amino-groups content
氨基酸生成率:amino-acid productivity
安全文明工地:safe and civilized building site
阿拉塔斯金矿:Alatasi gold deposit
安全控制系统:safety control system
安全管理人员:production safety control staff
安全效果分析:?result analysis
安装调整高度:installation and adjusting height
安全合约管理:control over safety contracts
安全信息技术:safety information technology
氨基膦酸树指:amino methylene phosphonic acid resin
氨基酸调味液:amino acid 1iquid seasoning
奥氏体热强钢:austenitic thermal strength steel
胺化磺基树脂:amino sulfonic resin
安山质碎屑岩:andesite clastic rock
安全经济效益:benefits of safety operation
安全截断系统:safety control system
胺基淀粉树脂:amino-starch resin
安康规划设计:planning design of safety and health
页码:97221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236 2372382392408: