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氨法烟气脱硫:ammonia FGD
氨基甲酸甲酯:methyl carbamate
氨基酸调味料:amino acid seasoning
安全人力资源:safety manpower resources
安全风险模型:safety risk model
安全教育培训:safety education and training
安全信息要素:safety information factors
奥氏体化参数:austenitizing condition
安全保产能力:capacity to guarantee safety production
安全从业人员:safety staff
桉木硫酸盐浆:Eucalyptus kraft pulp
阿魏酸双甘酯:ferulyl diolein
阿鲁科尔沁旗:Aluke'rqin Banner
奥氏体再结晶:austenite recrystallization
奥贝尔氧化沟:Orbal Oxidation Ditch
安装确认IQ:installation qualitation
安全评价报告:report of safety assessment
安全工程专业:safety engineering discipline
氨基黑10B:Amido black 10B
安全投资方向:orientation of safety investment
安全工程人才:safety engineering specialists
氨氮吸附容量:NH4+ adsorption capacity
氨基酸衍生物:amino acid derivatives
阿牛巴流量计:Annubar flowmeter
氨基表面修饰:Amine surface modification
阿基米德蜗杆:Archimedes worm
氨低温等离子:ammonia low-temperature plasma
氨-铵盐浸出:Ammonia-ammonium chloride leaching
安全制动装置:safety brake apparatus
安全保障体系:safety guarantee system
铵型斜发沸石:NH+4-form clinoptilolite
安全目标管理:safety objective management
安静居住小区:quiet residential area
安全高效开采:good safety and efficiency
奥利亚罗非鱼:Oreochromis aureus
安全措施评价:Evaluation of traffic safety measures
安全评价方法:safety assessment
安全监控系统:safety monitoring system
安全管理素质:safety management quality
安全补偿系数:safety compensating coefficient
鞍山巨峰葡萄:Anshan Jufeng grape
氨氮去除速率:removal rate of NH~+_4-N
奥陶系岩溶水:Ordovician karstic water
安全初撑强度:Initial safe supporting strength
安全停输时间:maximum allowable solidifying time of shutdown
安全应急管理:safety emergency management
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