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安全系统学派:school of safety system
安全整体水平:safety integrity level
凹版印刷系统:gravu re system
氨基硫脲配体:thiose micarbazide ligand
阿昔莫司胶囊:Acipimox Capsules
安全促进因素:safety promoting factor
安全保健因素:safety hygiene factor
氨基酸复合物:Amino acid adduct
安全环保法规:safety and environment law
安全采样体积:safe sampling volume
岸线功能调整:Adjusting riverbank's function
胺基甲酸乙酯:carbamic acid ethyl ester
氨基乙酰丙酸:aminolevulinic acid
奥托-Ⅱ燃料:OTTO-Ⅱ fuel
安全文化素质:quality of safety cultural
氨基胍碳酸盐:Aminoguanidine Bicarbonate
安全系统学科:discipline of the security system
阿尔金山前带:Altun foothill belt
胺基苯磺酸黄:metanilic acid yellow
安全生产活动:safety production activity
安全责任体系:safety responsibility system HSE
螯合诱导技术:chelate-induced technique
胺法脱硫装置:amine desulfilrization unit
氨氮标准溶液:standard nitrogen-ammonia solution
安全动火技术:Safe ignition technology
阿莫西林胶囊:Amoxicillin capsules
氨基酸相关性:Correlation of amino acids
阿德福韦双酯:adefovir dipivoxil
氨基酸对含量:amino acids pairs compositions
阿基米德螺线:Archimedean Helix
艾鲁塞活水器:ELEC wateractivater
安全裕度修正:safety margin correction
氨基酸全分析:amino-acid analysis method
氨基酰化酶Ⅰ:acylase Ⅰ
氨氧化微生物:ANAMMOX micro-organism
安全监测工程:safety monitoring project
安福屯潜山带:Anfutun burial hill zone
安全道德教育:education of safety ethics
安全注射系统:Safety injection system
安全分析程序:Safety analysis code
氨基萘酚磺酸:amino-naphthol-sulfonic acid
阿克玛插值法:Akima interpolation
安全规划战略:the strategy of secure plan
氨基酸螯合物:amino acid chelate
安全疏散时间:safety egress time
安全连锁系统:interlocking unit
安全技术措施:safety technical measure
安装基面偏差:Base plane misalignment
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