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澳大利亚松:black pine
澳洲黄杨桉:red box (Eucalyptus polyanthema Schauer)
澳洲鳞毛蕨:Dryopteris austriaca
澳洲相思树:raspberry acacia
阿克库勒凸起:Akekule arch
氨合成催化剂:ammonia synthesis catalyst
氨水均相催化:ammonia homogeneous catalysis
安全与防污染:safety and pollution prevention
奥氏体不锈钢:austenitic stainless steel
氨基甲酸乙酯:ethyl carbamate
安徽沿江地区:the area along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province
澳斯麦特工艺:Ausmelt technology
安全管理体系:safety control system
安全经济决策:decision-making of safety and economics
安全允许距离:safety allowing distanc
安全开采深度:safety exploiting depth
安全生产条件:safe production responsibility
安全管理工程:safety management engineering
安全生产监控:production safety monitor and control
安全顶板厚度:safety thickness of roof
氨基酸分析仪:amino acid analyzer
鞍山式磁铁矿:Anshan-type magnetite
安息香异丙醚:benzoin isopropyl ether
埃洛石纳米管:halloysite nanotubes
安全工程教育:safety engineering education
胺基化四钛酸:aminated tetratitanate
奥氏体化温度:austenitizing temperature
安全生产管理:safety production management
氨/棉包芯纱:cotton/polyurethane core-span yarn
安全影响评价:safety impact assessment
拗陷深水湖盆:deep-water lacustrine basin
暗色泥岩厚度:thickness of dark mudstone
安定性改进剂:Stabilization additive
奥氏体稳定化:stabilization of austenite
安全防范系统:safety precaution system
安全评价人员:Safety assessment personnel
氨基树脂鞣剂:amino resin tanning agents
阿拉善双峰驼:Alxa Bactrian
氨基酸口服液:amino acid oral liquid
氨基甲酸酯法:carbamate method
氨氧化催化剂:ammoxidation catalyst
阿维菌素废水:avermectin wastewater
页码:97221222223224225226227228229 2302312322332342352362372382392408: