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安全监测系统:safety monitoring system
安全验收评价:safety acceptance evaluation
凹模浮动压制:floating matrix pressed
凹陷结构样式:Structure-style type of depression
澳斯麦特枝术:Ausmelt technology
安全监测监控:Safety monitoring
氨基改性硅油:Amino-modified silicone oil
奥斯麦特熔炼:Ausmelt technology
氨基磺酸盐系:sulphamate series
安全性能评估:safety evaluation
安全分析系统:safety assessment system
安全责任展开:Safety Responsibility Deployment
安全系数增量:increment of safety factor
凹形螺纹钢筋:concave reinforced bar
氨基丁烯酸酯:amino crotonic acid ester
安全评价模型:safety assessment model
阿氏假囊酵母:eremothecium ashbyii
氨氮污泥负荷:ammonia nitrogen load
安全单元评估:safety unit evaluation
安全许用应力:permissible safety stress
安全玻璃检验:Test of Safety-glass
安息香缩苯胺:N-benzoin aniline
氨荒酸基乙酸:thiocarbamoylthioacetic acid
阿维菌素B1:avermectin B1
凹模内径变化:change of die inner diameter
安宫牛黄胶囊:Angong Niuhuang capsules
氨基甲基膦酸:Aminomethylphosphonic acid
阿勒泰复向斜:Altai synclinorium
氨-氰混合液:Ammonia-cyanide mixed solution
奥氏体高锰钢:austenitic high-manganese steel
安全监督体系:system of safety supervision
安全管理目标:safety management goal
安全科学技术:safety science and technology
安全工作载荷:safe work load
氨基浸渍树脂:amino impregnating resin
安全人机工程:safety ergonomics
凹凸曲线方程:the equation of convex?concave curvilinear
澳大利亚焦煤:Australian coking coal
安全技术要求:Safety technique requirements
安全监控网络:safety supervisory network
安全投资效益:safety investment benefits
安全投资方案:safety investment schemes
氨与碳铵之比:ratio of ammonia to salvolatile
氨合成反应器:ammonia synthesis reactor
氨基烃基膦酸:aminoalkyl phosphonic acid
阿尔泰金矿带:Altai gold mineralizing belt
阿尔塔拉盆地:Artala Basin
安全技术评价:Safety Appraise
页码:97221222223224225226227228229230231232233234 2352362372382392408: