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柔度曲率:flexibility curvature
融资现状:financing status
儒家经文:classics of Confucius and Mencius
认知语境:cognitive context
柔性基层:flexible base
入侵检测:intrusion detection
容留时间:reserved time
软件模拟:software simulation
人耳识别:ear recognition
弱馈回路:weak-infeed circuit
热碳还原:ca rbothermal synthesis
热变电阻:thermal resistor
熔融物料:melt material
软弱围岩:weak surrounding rock
热水供应:hot water supply
软弹簧型:soft-spring type
柔性连杆:elastic inside link
燃油泄漏:Fuel leakage
燃油蒸发:Fuel evaporation
弱轴连接:web connection
韧性试验:toughness test
熔体插层:melt intercalation
日照间距:sunshine spacing
任务规划:mission planning
日节煤量:daily coal saving
柔性决策:flexible decision-making
绕组变形:winding deformation
扰动引力:Disturbing Gravity
柔性曲面:flexible surface
热态吊零:hot load design
柔性软坝:soft dam
热网络法:thermal network method
人行天桥:pedestrian bridge
绕制工艺:Reeling techniques
铷蓝青铜:blue bronze
弱电设计:weak current design
蠕变机理:creep mechanism
人机仿真:Ergonomics simulation
熔链曲线:Melting curve
扰动土层:disturbed soil
日常点检:Daily checkup
燃料识别:Fuel recognition
人工水景:artificial waterscape
软基沉降:soft ground settlement
热力过程:thermodynamic process
人身自由:personal liberty
绕飞条件:Rotating conditions
柔性索网:Flexible cable nets
页码:97241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257 2582592608: