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韧带样瘤:Desmoid tumor
乳头扩张:papillae dilatation
乳药浓度:breast milk concentration
融合筋膜:Fusion fascia
柔肝降火:soothing liver to lowering fire
溶栓疗效:Therapeutic effect of thrombolysis
入口仰角:inlet elevation angle
锐化比压:specific pressure
认知活动:cognitive activity
韧带损伤:ligament injury
人工材料:artificial material
人群研究:Population study
人工肝脏:Artificial liver
乳房脓肿:Breast abscess
人才工程:talent engineering
融合构建:fusion construction
软企职工:Soft-ware enterprise employees
认知内容:Cognitive contents
人际氛围:interpersonal environment
人体脏器:human organic
鞣苦胶囊:Rouku Capsules
入户调查:Household survey
人格量表:Personality scale
人工臼顶:Acetabular implant
熔模制作:making investment
入核转运:Nuclear import
融资经营:Fund raising management
日常活动:Daily activities
人群起源:ethnic origin
人的本性:human nature
人的本质:human essence
人桡动脉:human radial artery
人工骺板:artificial epiphyseal plate
热低渗液:Hot hypotoinc liquid
韧性基体:tenacity matrix
热降解物:Thermal kinetic characteristics
乳肿肿瘤:Breast neoplasms
人口比值:population ratio
乳房保健:breast care
人力不足:manpower shortage
人文思考:humanities thought
热解初期:morphology change
人性尊严:Human dignity
弱威氏霜:Cream Whitfield's (Weak)
任务艰巨:arduous task
页码:97241242243244245246247248 2492502512522532542552562572582592608: