乳房再建:Breast reconstruction
蠕虫抗原:helminth antigens
认知前提:cognitive premise
任务切换:task switching
乳糖吸收:lactose digestion
乳胶颗粒:colloidal particles
溶核作用:Effect on nucleus pulposus
融合区域:fusion area
人生意义:life meaning
刃厚皮片:split-thickness thin skin flap
热融胶针:Maillefer thermafil
容量指标:Volume index
融合成像:Fusion image
乳腺检查:breast check
人类猴痘:human monkeypox
溶蜡效率:Wax-Dissolving Efficience
乳泉冲剂:Ruquan granule
认知程序:cognitive degree
肉类烧烤:Barbecue production
人牙咬痕:Human bitemark
乳腺癌术:post mammectomy
人才开发:talent development
仁慈杀死:mercy killing
人体耐力:human tolerance
乳宁Ⅱ号:Runing Ⅱ
人事改革:Personnel reform
认知操作:cognitive performance
软件环境:Software Environment
融合节段:Fusion levels
人造美人:artificial belle
人工美女:artificial belle
人文拷问:humanistic quest
柔肝冲剂:Rougan granule
人才市场:talents market
柔弱处上:the soft and weak set on high
人工胆管:artificial bile duct
人民法院:people's court
韧带肥厚:hypertrophy of yellow ligament
人心房肌:human atrium
软骨素酶:chondroitinase ABC
认知伪装:Cognitive malingering
日常困扰:daily hassles
人工骨骼:artificial bone
容积CT:Volume CT
软件管理:Software management
蠕虫抗原:helminth antigens
认知前提:cognitive premise
任务切换:task switching
乳糖吸收:lactose digestion
乳胶颗粒:colloidal particles
溶核作用:Effect on nucleus pulposus
融合区域:fusion area
人生意义:life meaning
刃厚皮片:split-thickness thin skin flap
热融胶针:Maillefer thermafil
容量指标:Volume index
融合成像:Fusion image
乳腺检查:breast check
人类猴痘:human monkeypox
溶蜡效率:Wax-Dissolving Efficience
乳泉冲剂:Ruquan granule
认知程序:cognitive degree
肉类烧烤:Barbecue production
人牙咬痕:Human bitemark
乳腺癌术:post mammectomy
人才开发:talent development
仁慈杀死:mercy killing
人体耐力:human tolerance
乳宁Ⅱ号:Runing Ⅱ
人事改革:Personnel reform
认知操作:cognitive performance
软件环境:Software Environment
融合节段:Fusion levels
人造美人:artificial belle
人工美女:artificial belle
人文拷问:humanistic quest
柔肝冲剂:Rougan granule
人才市场:talents market
柔弱处上:the soft and weak set on high
人工胆管:artificial bile duct
人民法院:people's court
韧带肥厚:hypertrophy of yellow ligament
人心房肌:human atrium
软骨素酶:chondroitinase ABC
认知伪装:Cognitive malingering
日常困扰:daily hassles
人工骨骼:artificial bone
容积CT:Volume CT
软件管理:Software management