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人文课程:humanities courses
软件建设:software construction
热带地区:Tropical area
乳糜外瘘:Chylous fistula
榕江香猪:Rongjiang pig
热力振荡:thermal oscillation
人催乳素:human PRL
人工扣击:Manpower beating
溶质电荷:Solute charges
人体体温:human body temperature
入学标准:School admission criteria
人体系统:human body system
溶栓试剂:Thrombolytic agent
软件操作:operation of software
溶液颜色:Color of solution
认知发展:cognitive development
融合实验:integrated experiment
人工重力:artificial gravity
认知调查:cognitive survey
认知成分:cognitive component
人力需要:Human resources demands
软组织部:Soft tissue
容灾备份:disaster backup
人工结膜:artificial conjunctiva
乳房重建:breast reconstruction
容量负荷:Fluid overload
乳增胶囊:Ruzeng capsule
热卡消耗:isocaloric consumes
热原实验:Pyrogen test
肉毒梭菌:Clostridium botulinum
人工嗅觉:artificial olfaction
乳糖代谢:lactose metabolism
人工皱缩:Artificial shrinkage
乳牙早失:early loss of deciduous molars
人缘关系:associated ability
热水温浴:Soaking in warm water
染色控制:Dyeing control
容积重现:Volume rendering
乳房增生:Mammary proliferation
人口监测:Population surveillance
人抗血清:human anti-sera
人的价值:human value
人胶质瘤:Human glioma
人生长素:human growth hormone
页码:97241242 2432442452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592608: