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喷射过渡:spray transfer
品种排序:Version-sequence dispatching
品质指数:Quality index
硼硅羟基:Boron Silicon Hydroxyl
抛物线法:parabola method
平行纺丝:parallel spinning
普适判据:general criterion
抛光实践:polishing practice
配位苯环:coordinated benzene ring
硼笼结构:boron cage structure
偏心信号:roll eccentricity
配合电镀:coordination galvanization
喷流预热:spray flow preheating
排水作用:drainage effects
评价软件:evaluation software
频波损失:frequency and wave number lossing
贫油含苯:content of benzene in poor-oil
排矿间隙:the gap of discharging material
配阴离子:complex anion
排污现状:Pollution status
喷淋方法:spraying method
疲劳条带:Fatigue striation
泡沫接触:foamed layer
铍钴铜套:Be-Co-Cu sheath
喷淋集管:spray thrower
配矿技术:burden technique
爬罐天井:Crawling Container well
平滑滤噪:smoothing and denoising
配洗比例:blending preparation proportion
平均纯度:Average purity
批式实验:batch test
平底堑沟:flat-bottom trench
喷啉强度:spraying intensity
破裂特征:fracture characteristics
排气压力:exhaust pressure
贫Cr区:chromium depleted zone
膨胀因数:swell factor
配置文件:configure file
配煤模型:model of coal blending
屏障电流:protective screen current
平面密封:plane seal
抛料轨迹:polishing material lo
平衡举升:Balanced lifting
喷油泵座:spray-oil pump seat
偏心轧制:eccentric rolling
抛光粉尘:dust of burnishing
皮革防霉:mold inhibition
页码:97241242243244245246 2472482492502512522532542552562572582592608: