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普通钻床:common driller
破口分叉:Crevasse furcation
喷水强度:water spraying intensity
泡塑吸附:foam plastics adsorption
片径分布:flake diameter distribution
坯体变形:(body) deformation
烹饪哲学:cuisine philosophy
劈裂实验:spilt test
濮成油田:Pucheng Oilfield
偏心气锚:decentralized gas anchor
葡深1井:Pushen 1 Well
硼酰化镍:nickel borate acylate
判断条件:judging condition
贫薄锰矿:poor and thin Mn ore
排采试验:test of expulsion and production
盘江矿区:Panjiang mining area
偏异指数:deviating index
炮孔排水:drainage of explosive hole
喷头间距:between sprinkler head
平均粒度:Average particle size
抛丸除锈:shot blast cleaning
偏光光谱:polarized absorption spectra
膨胀曲线:dilatometric curve
啤酒标准:Beer Standard
配混技术:formulation technology
谱图分类:chromatogram classification
排气风扇:exhaust fan
跑车轨道:roadster railway
烹饪设备:cuisine equipment
排水制度:sewer system
排气阀门:exhaust valve
平化变形:flattening process
排序算法:Sort algorithm
评价途径:evaluation method
屏蔽设计:Shielding Design
漂洗助剂:rinse aid
喷液系统:spray system
品质判定:quality judgement
平面绕流:Flow around a confined cylinder
平衡溶胀:equilibrium swelling
平前刀面:plane face
平板芯片:Planar chip
平衡透析:Equilibrium dialysis
配位分析:Coordination analysis
平衡渗析:equilibrium dialysis
啤酒氧化:Free radicals of oxygen
片式元件:chip component
平面曲梁:the plane bend beam
旁路试验:sidestream test
页码:97241242243244 2452462472482492502512522532542552562572582592608: