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膨胀锚杆:swelling anchor rod
喷吹制度:pulse system
抛丸性能:shot-blasting performance
片盘斜井:district inclinde shaft
漂白化学:bleaching chemistry
配水次数:The frequency of dosing
旁路电流:by-path current
平稳施肥:equilibrium fertilization
喷气引纬:pneumatic weft insertion
喷涂颗粒:sprayed particle
盆地景观:Structure of geographical envirence
品质系数:coefficient of merit
评价海域:sea area evaluation
喷丸毛化:shot blast texturing
平台价格:platform price
泡沫鞋底:foamed soles
喷吹矿粉:ore fines injection
喷煤工艺:PCI technology
偏碱性岩:subalkalic rocks
平面生长:planar growth
判断炉况:judgement on blast furnace condition
配气阀座:Distributing valve seat
硼添加量:Boron addition
膨化倍率:Exfoliated volume
排放机制:emission mechanism
配比试验:Proportioning Test
排污特征:Emission characteristics
啤酒回收:Recovering beer
爬行试验:Stick Slip Testing
碰撞速度:collision velocity
配合饲料:compound feed
偏析筑堆:scattering ores deviationally to build up leaching heap
贫硫化矿:lean sulphide ore
平衡精度:balance precision
偏心缝隙:eccentricity clearance
平原洼地:Plain depression
硼烷桥键:Bridge bond of noval borane
排序方法:Priority method
喷吹粉剂:injection process
排气跑料:chip overflowing from went
破坏理论:failure theory
破坏韧性:fracture toughness
旁式构象:Gauche conformation
配气技术:Mixture Technique of Gas Component
膨胀污泥:bulking sludge
抛光表面:polished surface
破碎腔型:the cavity mould of the crusher
破乳速率:phase separation
页码:97241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258 2592608: