随机数表:random data form
随机偏差:stochastic bias
随机滤波:random filtering
随机联络:stochastic connection
随机极大原理:stochastic maximum principle
随机积分:stochastic integral
随机化判决函数:randomized decision function
随机化检定:randomized test
随机规划法:Stochastic programming
随机独立事件:stochastically independent event
随机步:random walk
算子域:operator domain
算子同态:operator homomorphism
算子同构:operator automorphism
算子环:operator ring
算子函数:Operator function
算子的指数:index of operator
算子的图:graph of operator
算子的谱分析:spectral analysis of operators
算子的靠:defect of operators
算子插值:operator interpolation
算术子群:arithmetic subgroup
算术谓词:arithmetical predicate
算术谱系:arithmetical hierarchy
算术狂:arithmetic genus
算术几何平均:arithmetic-geometric mean
算术差:arithmetic difference,arithmetical difference
算术操作算术运算:arithmetic operation
算法论:Theory of algorithms
速端曲线变换:hodograph transformation
速度最优的:velocity optimal
素因子分解:prime factor algorithm
素因子:prime factor
素数问题:prime number problem
素数幂:power of prime
素数分布:prime number distribution
素数对:prime pair
素数;质数:prime number
素连接:prime conjunction
素理想链:chain of prime ideals
素理想定理:prime ideal theorem
素分量:prime component
素多项式理想:prime polynomial ideal
素多项式:prime polynomial
素点:prime spot
搜索方向:search direction
搜她程:search process