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奥伦自理模式:Orem's self-care mode
按病种预付制:Prepayment on the Diseases Categories
阿是止泻胶囊:Asi-antidiarrhea capsule
铵盐类消毒剂:Quaternary ammonium salt
安神类中草药:Soothe the Nerves of Chinese traditional medicine
安全防护技术:safety prevention technique
癌症疼痛患者:patients with cancer pain
暗视阈值反应:scotopic threshold response
奥美拉唑溶液:omeprazole solution
阿参养血胶囊:Eshenyangxue Capsules
奥拉西坦胶囊:Oxiracetam Capsules
癌蛋白SET:Oncoprotein SET
胺基膦氧化物:amino-phosphine oxides
安全时间同步:secure time synchronization
安全节点定位:secure location
安全数据聚集:secure aggregation
矮生型针叶树:dwarf conifer
爱国主义学者:famous patriotic scholar
鞍区巨大占位:Macrosis saddle area tumor
安全量子通讯:Secure Quantum Communication
阿尔泰狗娃花:Genus Heteropappus
安全生产过程:work safety process
凹性结构条件:concavity structure condition
阿马尔那泥板:The Amarna Tablets
氨基醇化修饰:C-terminal amide to alcohol conversion
哀牢山断裂带:Ailaoshan fault belt
安全发掘深度:safe exhumation depth
按需入侵检测:On-Demand Intrusion Detection
安全风险概率:Risk Probability
安全量化评估:Quantitative Security Evalu
奥氏体气阀钢:austenitic valve steel
阿四段Ⅱ油组:oil set II in fourth member of Aershan group
安装调整误差:installation and adjustment error
氨基酸转运子:Amino acid transporter
氨基酰化反应:aminoacylation reaction
埃以和平进程:Peace-process between Egypt and Israel
阿萨拉格齐史:Asuragchi neretu-yin teuke Monumenta historica
氨基酸络合锌:Zinc amino acid complex
安全策略结构:Security Policy Architecture
安全性CAD:Safety GAD
阿片受体基因:opioid receptor genes
氨-盐预处理:salt-ammonia pretreatment
阿司匹林敏感:Aspirin sensitive
安全关键应用:safety-critical application
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275 2762772782792808: