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奥林匹克教育:Olympic education
爱情婚姻模式:love and marriage pattern
安庆沿江湖群:lake group along the Yangtze River
安徽省中西部:middle western part of Anhui Province
安装技术要求:installation specification
阿尔金构造带:Altyn tectonic belt
奥陶系储集层:The Ordovician reservoirs
阿尔金山北缘:North Altyn Tagh
按需拨号路由:dail-on-demand routing
艾瑞尔曼问题:Aizerman's problem
爱里斑光强比:intensity ratio of Airy spot
安徽师大男生:students of Anhui normal university
阿尔泰铁角蕨:Asplenium altajense(Kom.) Grubov
鞍点同宿分岔:Saddle-homoclinic bifurcation
安庆沿江湖区:the lake district along the Yangtze river in Anqing region
阿拉伯多辐藻:M. arabica
阿尔泰假狼毒:Stelleropsis altaica
爱因斯坦转盘:Einstein turntable
阿尔金造山带:Altun orogenic belt
奥陶纪火山岩:Volcanic rock in Ordovician Period
奥陶系生物礁:Ordovician reefs
奥林匹克数学:Olympic mathematics
阿拉善黄鹌菜:Youngia alashanica
安尼锡克中期:middle Anisian stage
奥灰岩岩溶水:Ordovician limestone karst water
奥林匹克竞赛:Olympic Competition
凹五边形基底:concave pentagon base
埃尔米特公式:Hermite's formula
安全标记基因:safe marker gene
阿拉善鹅观草:R. alashanica
爱森贝格盆地:Eisenberg Basin
艾雷应力函数:Airy stress function
安培环路定理:Ampere circuit rule
哀牢山金矿带:Ailaoshan gold mineralization belt
哀牢山造山带:Ailaoshan orogenic belt
安加拉植物群:Angara flora
阿尔金山北段:northern Altyn
氨基酸的置换:replacement of amino acid
阿拉斯加北端:Arctic Alaska
奥尔里奇函数:Orlicz function
阿基米德方法:Archimedes method
艾火令鸡子飞:burning moxa stick make eggshell flim fly
阿尔泰山山前:Piedmont of Altay mountain
岸边流速系数:velocity coefficient near stream bank
鞍点逼近算法:saddle point approximation algorithm
安徽巢湖地区:Chaoxian of Anhui
氨基酸有效性:AA availability
页码:97261262263264 2652662672682692702712722732742752762772782792808: